Methods of Treatment

Laser Acupuncture - effective for pain and muscle therapy
Laser Acupuncture is the same as regular acupuncture with needles, just done with laser. The results are as good, but the advantage of laser is that it is not associated with any pain. My experience with laser acupuncture on horses is that it works much better and much faster than on humans.
Laser Treatment - effective for wounds, pain and muscle therapy

Muscle Infiltration and pain management. When treating the musculature with a laser, you ensure a swift improvement of infiltrated muscles. Laser makes it possible to reach deep into the muscle, where you cannot reach with a massage. Back pain often lies in the deeper muscle layers and can be difficult to treat with massage, but with a laser, it is possible to get deep into the muscle. Back pain often comes from a saddle that does not fit properly.

Wound treatment. Laser is the world’s fastest wounds healer. One can see how the wound heals up while you treat. Laser also reduces subsequent scar tissue considerably.

Scar tissue. If the horse (or rider) has scar tissue, it can be significantly reduced with laser treatment – sometimes even disappearing.

Massage – examination of the musculoskeletal
I do not treat with classic equine massage, but I use my skills from horse massage treatment to a thorough examination of the horse before my treatments. I like to teach the rider how to massage the horse.
Manipulation – misalignment treatment
My manipultaion of the horse is based on teaching from Håkan Lundell.

Treatment of the sacroiliac joint

My examinations and treatments are based on a holistic view of the horse and the problem/previous treatments, of the horse.

The holistic approach includes:

Position and MovementSaddleHoovesRider
I look at the horse and its musculature and skeleton, rump, neck, head alignment. Does everything look aligned?

If deemed necessary, I see the horse in longe, this especially if the horse is out of step or lame.

Saddles often are the cause of problems in horses. Therefore, if I have the slightest suspicion, I look at the saddle. I am not a saddler; but have taken courses and received help from several saddlers to be able to determine the most common mistakes on a horse.
I always look at a horse’s hooves to see if the horse is standing correctly on them. Hooves can show long-term misalignments in a horse.
In some cases it may be necessary to view the rider riding the horse as part of the diagnosis and treatment. In that case more time is needed for a consultation by appointment.

Thorough examination

When I have seen the horse in motion, in some cases with a rider, I examine the horse by thoroughly reviewing the horse’s muscles. I look for pain, warmth, stiffness, swelling, muscle development and movement restrictions in the joints.

Before the treatment, I always use a laser to soften and loosen the muscles. The laser is also used to alleviate pain, so you kill ‘two birds with one stone’, since it will both loosen and pain soothe the horse at the same time.


Often you can see and feel a big difference after the first treatment. Expect a minimum two treatments before the horse is completely free from the complications from the SI joint.

When muscles and joints are softened, it is possible to manipulate the build-up in the SI joint so the joint plates can slide into place. Once this is done, the front legs and hind legs are stretched in opposite directions. Make sure that the horse is aligned in the pelvis. I also check to make sure the horse’s neck and jaw bones are positioned correctly. Any gaps / issues are subsequently corrected.

Then use various techniques to make sure that SI joint is positioned correctly and the problem is solved.

If the rider is interested, I instruct in stretching the horse.

Usually you can see and feel a remarkable difference after the first treatment. You should expect a minimum of two treatments for the horse is completely free of the injury and problems caused by the sacroiliac joint.



In severe cases of SI joint injuries, the horse will require daily treatment with both manipulation and laser treatment.

In case of such severe injury, it is possible that the horse can be put up in my stables for daily treatment and training sessions over bars, longe work and possibly riding by appointment.

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